Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mia and the Black Dog Ranch Gang

Hi everyone. It's me Mia,

My brother Mickey is giving me a big kiss in this picture. Ms. Charlene says we are fine example for everyone everywhere. She says love is what makes a family a real family.

Well things have been kind of wet here at the ranch this past week. We have had a lot of rain and of course you all know what rain makes? That's right, MUD! My brothers, sisters and I have been spending a good deal of time this week getting as much mud on ourselves as possible. It just feels good!

Mickey and Teddie got in trouble though, they dug up a big muddy hole under the down spout in the backyard and they got a good talking to by Ms. Charlene. I don't think Mickey really understood the whole bad dog thing and he seemed to be pretty happy about it afterwards too.

Well we have a really big week-end coming up May 16th. That is when Ms. Charlene takes me to the "Bark in the Park" in St. Louis at Forest Park. Ms. Charlene and I will be walking in the parade with lots of other dogs from all over to support the Dr. Doolittle fund which is a really great foundation. It helps animal doctors give medical care to all sorts of animals out there who deserve a second chance at a good life!

My brothers and sisters are giving me some advice on walking in the parade next week. They told me to be sure and tell everyone about our booth that we will have at the park too. Ms. Charlene and I will be at our booth after the parade where everyone can stop by and buy our book "Stories from Black Dog Ranch". We will be helping the Farmington Pet adoption Center which is here in Mia's home town with sales from our book. So be sure and stop by because it is going to be a great day for helping all of those shelter animals and meeting some really great people!
Hope to see everyone next week-end. Talk more soon,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Witch dog is that?That one is cute.