Monday, January 4, 2010

Black Dog Rescue Ranch - Mia and the Gang

Hi everyone. It's me Mia. I am laying on my favorite blanket on top of my favorite bench on our front porch watching over the ranch today. Things are getting back to our regular routine now that the holidays are behind us and all the family visiting for the holidays have gone home. Me and my brothers and sisters don't mind the visitors though, we love company and love all the attention we get when they come to visit. Of course Teddie and Mickey are always trying to hog all the attention from everyone so I was fussing at them in this picture. They don't seem to listen to me or anyone for that matter, but Ms. Charlene said its ok because there is usually enough attention to go around for everyone. Maggie and Charlie are just glad to be inside and snuggled up together on Ms. Charlene's bed and they will leave the fussing over who get attention to us silly dogs outside! Well we hope everyone out there is off to a great start to another new year. Don't forget to stop by our website; and get your copy of my book if you haven't had a chance to do that yet. Remember we donate part of the proceeds from every book sale to help other animals like me that need a loving home and a second chance. I better go for now. Talk more soon, Mia

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