Sunday, June 21, 2009

Mia and the Gang from Black Dog Ranch

Hi Everyone. It's me Mia.
Well this has been a very busy week. Ms. Marie brought her two horses over to stay with us at the ranch this summer because they don't have as much grass on their farm as we have at the Black Dog Ranch. Ms. Charlene said we would be happy to help them out for the summer because after all that's what folks are suppose to do, help each other out when someone is in need!
We think Chief and Chance are very handsome, for horses that is.
This silly picture of me is my way of saying, "Boy is it HOT today"!!! We have been staying on the front porch trying to keep cool because it has been to hot today to play out in the yard. Here's a picture of Betty under my favorite bench. She is so silly.
Well I kind of got into some trouble this week.
Ms. Charlene didn't really yell at me or anything like that, but she caught me getting into the bird feeder and we had to have a talk about how the birds have their food and I have my food and we certainly didn't want the birds to go hungry or anything like that.
I love Ms. Charlene soooo much I decided to leave the bird feeder alone and that she was probably right about how all good dogs and kids for that matter need to learn how to share, it's just the right thing to do! (besides, those seeds kept getting in my teeth!)
Well I better go for now, talk more soon,

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