Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mia and the Gang From Black Dog Ranch

Hi everyone. It's me Mia. Roll on those lazy hazy crazy days of summer! It is still hot here at the ranch, but Ms. Charlene keeps plenty of fresh cool water for us to drink. She says it is very important that people keep fresh water available for their animals on hot summer days. We are taking it easy and save all of our playing for late in the day after the sun goes down. The horses stay in the barn until evening too! Speaking of horses...Ms. Charlene decided that the flies were getting pretty bad up at the barn this week so she went to town and bought these things that look like milk jugs. She had to mix up some stinky stuff to put in them to catch the flies and she sure did carry on about how bad that stuff smelled. My brothers and sisters and I didn't think it was that bad. In fact we were pretty interested in rolling in a big pile of it, but Ms. Charlene told us no way! Ms. Charlene asked me why on earth do we dogs like rolling in stuff that smells bad??? Well I had to explain to Ms. Charlene that it's an old hunting thing with us dogs. (I think) Not that I do much hunting except for trying to find a bone I might have buried last week, but I've heard that in the old days we would roll in something that smelled bad so we could cover up our own scent and that way we could sneak up on a squirrel or a rabbit. It all sounds kind of silly because if any of us get hungry here at the ranch we just go over to our food bowls and eat, but I guess that's how it was in the old days. This is our friend Daisy. We wanted to show you this picture because it shows just how smart us dogs can be! Daisy is Ms. Marie's rescue Border Collie. She had to go to the groomer this week and get a summer haircut. Daisy told me that if she was going to go for a car ride that she better get into the car seat. Daisy said if Ms. Marie puts her grandson in it to be safe that she probably wanted her to sit in it too! Ms. Marie didn't mind and thought it was so funny that she took a picture of it. Well I hope everyone takes a look at our featured adoptable pet here on my blog page. Jake is a great dog and he is waiting for a great forever home and someone to give a lifetime of love too! Ms. Charlene says we all deserve a second chance so I hope someone gives Jake a chance! Talk more soon, Mia


Leslie Dean said...

All of the dogs are so cute

Mackenzie Dean said...

I agree with Leslie (My Sister). They all are really cute! Give them all an Extra treat each for me!

Kristie C Jones said...

Well that sounds great to us! Don't worry Ms. Charlene seems to come up with all kinds of excuses to always give us extra treats, the horses too!