Saturday, November 7, 2009

Black Dog Rescue Ranch - Mia and the Gang

Hi Everyone. It's me Mia.
We are all doing great here at the ranch. It has been very nice weather this week so Ms. Charlene has been spending a lot of time outside playing with us and of course those silly horses.

I told my brothers and sisters I don't know why Ms. Charlene thinks those horses are so special. I mean they can't do tricks like Maggie can. Maggie can roll over, shake paws, speak, sit and lay down. I just don't understand what the big deal is about those silly horses and why Ms. Charlene makes such a fuss about them. Well I guess I got carried away going on and on about the horses because Molly and Teddie finally spoke up and reminded me that the horses are very strong and they can carry Ms. Charlene on their backs across the meadows, through the forest, up mountains and through rivers. Teddie said none of us can do any of that not even Maggie and besides I was just jealous of the horses and I wanted all of Ms. Charlene's attention for myself. After I thought about what Molly and Teddie had said I realized they were right and I shouldn't be so selfish. After all we are one big family, right? Well Ms. Charlene had a great time this week-end at the book signing at Barnes & Noble in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. She said she met some awesome people there and is looking forward to talking more with them in the future. She hopes that the schools in that area will want her to come and talk to their kids about my book and all of us here at the ranch too! I better go for now. Talk more soon, Mia

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