Monday, February 1, 2010

Black Dog Rescue Ranch - Mia and the Gang

Hi everyone it's me Mia,
Well we got a really big snow this past week-end and boy did we have fun playing in it!

Ms. Charlene doesn't really like the snow that much, but we certainly took advantage of running in it and the horses seem to like rolling in it too!
Well other than the snow things have been pretty slow around here. Ms. Charlene is trying to get some dates set up for book presentations and book signings, but she said it is a slow time of year.  Ms. Charlene said she wishes a miracle would happen and someone famous would discover our book or the ranch and she wouldn't have anymore worries about taking care of all of us!  We never know when times are hard though because Ms. Charlene manages to find a way somehow. She says you never know when that miracle can happen for us so keep praying!  For now don't forget to buy a copy of our book, Stories from Black Dog Ranch.

Well I better go for now,
Talk more soon,  Mia

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