Friday, September 24, 2010

Stories from Black Dog Ranch - Mia and the Gang

 Hi everyone, It's me Mia.

Sorry we haven't been here in a couple of weeks.  Ms. Charlene is still trying to find a job and things are pretty hectic around here.
Ms. Charlene says it is by the grace of God that we are all still doing well and have food on the table. She says we all must have a guardian angel watching out for us.

We all don't really know what that means, but it must
mean something special because we are all pretty
happy and healthy critters here at Black Dog Rescue

Some really nice people are going to help us help Smokey get treatments for his sore leg and Ms. Charlene says that is a miracle all on its own right there! We are very grateful to those who reach out to help us give others a second chance at happiness!

Well I better go for now, don't forget to order a copy of our book, "Stories from Black Dog Ranch".  All proceeds go to support our rescue ranch!

Talk more soon,

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