Saturday, December 19, 2009

Black Dog Rescue Ranch - Mia and the Gang

Hi everyone. It's me Mia.
I just can't wait until next Friday. It will be Christmas. The greatest day of the year for two reasons. It is Jesus' Birthday and it's when Santa brings me and my brothers and sisters real bones with meat on them! YUMMY...!!! Ms. Charlene says all of us have been pretty good this year (except all the holes we dug in her yard) so we should get some really good bones this year.
We had our first snow this morning and the horses were really getting frisky before they had their morning hay. Ms. Charlene said she doesn't know why snow makes us and the horses want to run and jump and buck and play because it just makes her shiver and cold. I guess it is just an animal thing.
Remember it is only 7 days until Christmas so all you animal lovers out there need to get orders in for our book, Stories from Black Dog Ranch.
Well I guess I better go for now, talk more soon,

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