Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mia and the Gang from Black Dog Ranch

Hi everyone. It's me Mia.

I'm sitting on the front porch with my brothers and sisters. We just got done playing chase the ball with Ms. Charlene so we needed to rest for a minute.

Maggie and Charlie got to come outside and play for awhile too, but Ms. Charlene keeps a close eye on them because they are a lot smaller than we are and she doesn't want anyone to accidently get hurt.

Well it's been a very busy week and Ms. Charlene and I had a great time visiting all the kids and staff members of the schools in Arnold, Fenton and South County Missouri. Ms. Charlene said she thought the kids were awesome at those schools and the teachers, librarians, and staff members were so nice. Ms. Charlene said the best thing about my book is getting to share our stories with so many wonderful kids and teachers!

Ms. Charlene has heard from a lot of the kids this week through our website and she loves all the emails and talking to everyone. Remember kids, make sure the email you give us on the contact page is a good one because some of them haven't worked and we don't want you to think we didn't want to write you back.

Ms. Charlene got to go trailriding this week too. It is one of her favorite things to do. We don't know why she thinks it is more fun to ride the horses than chase them, but I guess that's the difference between dogs and people.

Anyway, we have another festival coming up next week-end. The Paw Festival in Swansea, Illinois. It is to raise money for the B.A.R.K. Rescue Organization and we will have a booth there selling our book. Be sure and come by to say hello.

Also, we are gearing up for our big Country Days Parade here in Farmington Missouri on June 6th at 10:00am. You don't want to miss this event because we will have our very own float in the parade and Me along with my brothers, sisters and Ms. Charlene will be on that float.

Well I hope everyone had a great Holiday week-end, talk more soon,


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